Monday, December 01, 2003

I ve been wanting to blog for quite some time but I ve never had the oppertuinity and the time to do so. So this will be my first ever blog and hopefully the first of many to come. The reason I want to blog is because I ve always like to discuss and hear other peoples toughts and ideas. From this we can learn and open our mind and look at things from a different angle. I learn this from my days at Banting (a place in Malaysia), there I took up the international baccalaurete course (but didnt manage to complete it) and one of the subject that interested me most during the course was Theory of Knowledge TOK. It was a really a good subject as it tought us to not blindly accept things but to think and look at things from a differrent prespective.

This blog is for me to publish and bitch about anything and everything. If Im lucky people would respond and take part in the discussion as its always healthy to learn from others. Different people have different views and information. I like a healthy discussion as much as i like to bitch about things that pisses me off.

It does not hurt to learn from others.....
You dont know what you dont know....


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