Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Really Incredible!

Peeeerrrggghhh …

As depicted in my last posting you guys will know that it’s been hectic for me lately in the office. Hectic but fun… I like the challenge. Hopefully our efforts pay off so if we are I ll let you guys know about it. For me I don’t mind staying back during the weekend especially since my thoughtful Boss is giving a weekday off. So not bad even though I missed free food at an open house and an art bazaar. Its good when you have a challenge, especially when doing something you like, well that definitely helps in my situation. I know some would cringe at the thought or maybe Major’s just to green for saying this. Anyway who cares as long as I m happy but it’s a bit unfortunate for the people around me. Its one of those things that just happened. The work I had to do during the weekend wasn’t planned so I couldn’t spend time with them. Well as usual I ll try my best to make it up.

Wokeh nuff of that….

The not so “Great”

Last weekend we went to the movies…After quite some time I must say, but it was well worth it. Why it’s well worth it? Its cause we watched the Incredibles. Let me just say that the movie was awesome. Seriously it was that good. The reason I say it’s a movie not a cartoon is because it’s exactly that. It’s a kick ass movie and not just a kiddie cartoon. I’d classified it as an action movie, well written and it’s got a nice flow to it. It puts other movies to shame especially Alexander. Ok I watched Alexander and honestly I hated it. Here you are trying to portray The Great leader and yet most of the story focuses on the fact that he doesn’t mind humping a guy or a girl. Don’t get me wrong I don’t have anything against you faggots (hehehe pardon muh French) but I just feel its disappointing that the movie focuses too much on the topic. It’s as though they are trying to say “see doesn’t matter who you fork you still can be great”. Fork that. He was among the greatest conqueror who manage to convince his army to share his vision and aspiration. Definitely he didn’t manage to do that by thinking of who to bone all the time. A lot of people saw his greatness, no barriers could hold that. It doesn’t matter what religion or race you are people really looked up to him. He must have done something really special during his journey and invasions. The movie just didn’t show how he manage to capture the hearts of all the people he conquered. You get what Im sayin? He conquered these people and yet people still embrace him but yet the movie still focuses on how horny he is when he sees another dude. By the way here is an interesting fact, did you know among the things he was apparently famous for was logistic. Ok I knew this from talking to my boss who read about it in of all places, a logistic book. He was a genius in logistic which explains how he could manage the vast amount of soldiers in his army. He did this by establishing food supply from the countries he invaded. Once he did that he manages to feed his army and re-supply. See he was definitely smart but did the movie show that NOOOOO instead …

Huummpphh well you know by now laa …

The Truly Great

Ok ok back to The Incredibles, the story was really well written it had great focus as it didn’t just focused on the Dad, the father is not the Hero instead the whole family is. It manages to show the stuff that occurs in a family. The movies humor was also a highlight so there was never a time you were not entertained. The action was cool, I especially like the scene when the Ice dude which by the way was voiced by my man Samuel. The time when he built the ice and slide around using it was a sight to behold. Last but not least the animation was superb; the body movement and details was excellent. Just check out the grass’s texture, it was surreal. I think they should do more animated movies especially for sci-fi or comic book characters. CGI is great but it can be a distraction. Having to find the exact formula to balance both reality and CGI can affect the movie. Some movies suffer from over doing the CGI and losing focus on the storyline. Thinking audiences will appreciate it more then the story itself. Wrong! As the case of Godzilla (sucks big time) and the new StarWars. Do you guys know why Empire Strikes back is the Star Wars fan most favorite movie? Simple it had a good plot and a nice story to it. To me its either you do it well or don’t do it at all. Mediocrity is the mother of all forks ups. If you want to do a movie with CGI make sure you do it well and still write a good storyline. If not just keep it with the mechanics or don’t do it at all. Aliens versus Predetors maybe this year’s worst movie but it got one thing right. All if not most of the Aliens and Predetors scene were done using mechanics. No CGI. Which made the action and fighting skills seem more realistic. Unfortunately the story sucked.

Got a lot I’d like to write but I m off to take my break. See you on Thursday.


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