Tuesday, December 28, 2004


Its been really tough for me at the moment. Its come to a point where I feel numb; you just don’t know what to do. I really feel for the people around me, my fiancée in particular. She has been my tower of strength at a time where a lot has happen. If it hadn’t been for her I guess things would be more difficult for me. I just pray that in return I would be able to do the same thing for her too. Yeah yeah forkers I know it sounds corny but if you were in my position you would understand. Then again I tell myself…. As much shit that I am going through at the moment there are those in Banda Aceh, Phuket, India, Somalia, Maldives, Sumatra and Penang who fare a lot more worse than I do. Not to mention the family of the girl in Sungai Petani…. Maybe it’s a cycle, not everybody goes through the end of the year in a blissful manner. Well I guess there must always be 2 sides of the coin….At the moment I m on the wrong side of it.

May your days be better then mine...


At 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey dude.. what's with the numb thing.
come on.. everyone has their ups and downs
be strong man. life goes on..

well updating your blog can be a good start to that

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