Wednesday, September 15, 2004


What the frigging hell is happening to the Malaysian Government??? Has everyone read yesterday’s article in InTech??? If you have not go to this link:
Are my colleague and I the only ones who think this is utter bull shit! Fuck this Othman Ahmad and the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry Of Selangor, does he fucking know what he is talking about? Open Source applications can actually be pirated! Fuck You ass hole do you even know the nature of Open Source to begin with. We will be the laughing stock of everyone cause we actually have PIRATED OPEN SOURCE APPLICATIONS! He is saying that the “Malaysian” public can only download OS apps and use it for their personal use. Excuse me personal use? Then what? In simple terms the whole idea of open source is to make it available to all so that EVERYONE can contribute by improving it thus USE and of course fucking REDISTRIBUTE it. Don’t tell me this wanker think that open source is Red Hat alone. Hello Ass wipe wake up! You re just a frigging sell out. This is a huge set back to Malaysia in its so called effort to promote open source. Promote OSS my ass! Then what is the Malaysian Open source community is to do? “Personally” develop open source apps and be happy. Reality check here damn it! OSS people have lives ok in no mother fucking way that each and every one of the open source company utilizes Open Source purely for R&D purposes. No bloody way! Open source community have been credited in making software more available to all, not just available but in a more improved version each day. All this is credited to a concerted effort of all the OSS community. All this can not happen if all those who contribute to the community do not resell and redistribute it. Don’t tell me open source are just free R&D!

As my boss would say:

“What the fuck are they thinking. The GPL specifically states that redistribution, modification and even SALE is allowed of open source software. The BSD license states you can do whatever the fuck you want. What the fuck is this government about then? Open source according to them can be "pirated." Can you fucking believe this? ”

According to the article this shit head Othman held firm after being rebuffed by OSS expert Dr Nah Soo Hoe. Held firm based on WHAT? Can’t you even reaffirm your point by tabling a solid point which will actually show that you frigging understand Open Source? I don’t think you can because why? Cause you crystal clearly don’t bloody understand it! My gut feeling tells me this guy is on the take by those who are afraid of the Open Source revolution. Hahah revolution sounds a bit extreme la but come on don’t this guy realize that he is directly killing Open Source in Malaysia. He is clearly showing his stupidity and arrogance by not wanting to first understand open source before making such idiotic statement.

He is just spitting in the air and getting splattered back by his own spit. Moron!


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