Thursday, October 21, 2004

Cool sticker huh ? Posted by Hello

Finally I got to Blog today. It’s just that I ve been busy with work rather then lack of material. For those who know me they will know that I have a healthy amount of stuff to talk about. So much so whenever I go through my day I’ll contemplate my daily experience as a form of material for this blog. Ok the image you are seeing on top was taken a few weeks back as we were driving to friend’s place. You know how people see car stickers as a form of identity and to a certain extent a reflection of their so called ‘coolness’. So when I saw this car’s sticker I pity him. I pity him for his apparent lack of spelling awareness. Its either he didn’t realize it, which I don’t think so or he really liked the sound of it. I think his sticker has managed to add a dash of Javanese sound to it. Don’t you think OTObots sounds a bit Javanese to Autobots ? Well for whatever reason this dude is currently driving around with a sticker which actually indicates his … sorry to say this, stupidity. So if you are trying to show something make sure you get your shit right.

The weekend was quite a sad affair as I lost Brucey. Yup my pet kung fu fish died. Ok it’s not because I didn’t take good care of him (for god’s sake, he is a Kung Fu fish how difficult can it be to take care of him). It was an accident. It happened so quickly when I changed his water. As I was transferring him back to his bowl he flipped and fell in the kitchen sink. He nicely fit the kitchen sink hole and there was nothing I could do. He’s just a couple of months but I could still feel the connection. I guess we get that whenever such things happen. Sorry Bruce didn’t mean to ok …

Well Tuesday was The Apprentice time again. What can I say, the men are really a bunch of losers. They lost 4 times in a row to the ladies. How pathetic can that be? Ok I am no chauvinist but to lose without a fight has got be sad. They officially got their ass kicked because next week they ll have to merge. So the men will not get to prove their worth against the ladies. Even if they didn’t merge I am pretty sure they ll get another beating as the lack of manpower will be telling.

Here are some of my takes on the mistakes made by the men:

1. Bad Project Manager
Ok its obvious that the direction of the project is in the hands of the PM. Kwame was all talk and no action. He could talk the talk but he couldn’t walk the walk. He was one I considered as possibles, if he wins this show he must have improved a lot in the coming weeks. But this week he was poor. At one point he was really clueless. He didn’t know what to do. In my opinion being a PM does not mean you have to know deep enough about everything. You alone can never be the solution to all the problems. A really good PM should have been able to coordinate and leverage from the people around him. That’s why they say never underestimate the power of understanding others. At the end of the day its all about understanding people. So people skills go a long way, especially if you are the PM . The guy who handled the operations was really sharp. To me he is the best among all at the moment. Even compared to the girls, seriously. Had Kwame been a better leader they would have came up with a plan B to counter some of the shit that came their way. The worst part is some of that shit was already there even before they had to manage Planet Hollywood. This goes to my next point

2. Bad Preparations
The guys may make a point that they were rather shorthanded compared to the ladies. Which is quite true but they started a day after the girls. This gave them ample time to prepare. Again the PM should have been responsible for this. At least they could have analyzed what went wrong the previous week and improved the next day. Or they should have analyzed their current strength and weaknesses. Had they done that they would have realized where they should have penetrated and how to overcome their shortage in manpower. Instead what did they do? Played basketball and play Donald Trump the board game. Somehow that board game didn’t help them. They even got into a conflict during the game, instead of learning to work together the learnt how to hate each other. Looking at them arguing about it really made them look like babies. They forgot which game was more important.

3. Stupid (nuff said)
Ok a lot of people know that booze is what makes money in such restaurants. They should have known that. But the most idiotic thing they did was with the Kwame Jackson signing autograph session. That was thick. As the viceroy mention they should have used the seed money and paid someone to sell for them and concentrated on the operations. The way operations guy handled Planet Hollywood was cool. He knew his shit.

4. Lack of Manpower
This was one of the telling factors that led to their defeat but it could have been countered. Had they been prepared for it this would have been avoided. Running a restaurant is not an easy thing to do. You need to get customers in keep them happy and keep the workforce in sharp mode. You probably need at least 2 guys handling one aspect of the task.

5. Selfish
It was quite obvious that the guys were really concern about covering their own asses. Nick obviously. There were not united and in sync for the cause. Again leadership probably would have countered this.

All in all it was a pathetic way to lose. I am saying this not because they lack effort but because some things could have been avoided.

I know that it’s easier said then done. Having to observe it, is definitely different then having to do it yourself. But you can’t help but say it. The fact that they lost 4 times in a row is sad.

The girls deserved to win this. Apart from their obvious ‘sex sells’ approach they were smart to know where they should penetrate. Having a restaurant manager in your team definitely helps. Still there were the fights. But it’s rather perplexing to me to see most of the girls being hot chicks. Weather its Mr Trump’s requirements or the show produces I don’t know. It’s hard to blame them cause you ll obviously use any kind of advantage you have. They should have chosen Bowie like girls I guess. Then maybe they couldn’t you see that strategy so much. Bowie was the fat guy who just got eliminated.

Bowie was cool and gracious in defeat. He may have not performed well in his task but he always made a big effort to do them. This week’s task was obviously hard on the guys as their manpower was lacking, the best opportunity they had was last week when Sam was the PM. Unfortunately it didn’t happen so for this week they managed to maintain their 100% loss record.

Ok I got go now. I wanna read about this Sharifah Aini thing. Dang of all the things, it’s this news that is been on the front pages of our dailies.

Adios ….


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