Well tonight I m treating my fiancé to a Japanese buffet buka puasa. So hopefully 2 things would happen first hopefully she gets to fast today. Second hopefully I don’t have to finish up her food to avoid extra charges. So my dear fiancée, if your re reading this (which I m sure she is) aiseyman mental block la pulak! Tak tau macam mana nak sambung ayat nih …Ok ok hopefully you can go more then 2 rounds and still finish your food.
Ramadhan Buffet
Speaking about buffet is it just me or all the hotels gone bongkers with the entire buffet price. A really top spread used to be for 40 or 50 bucks but now that’s considered cheap. To experience a really good buffet spread you ll probably have to forking fork out 80 to 100 bucks. Ok on a normal basis that amount of money would have lasted me for maybe a week’s meal. These hotels expect us to spend it for a night which you probably won’t experience entirely due to the tamak syndrome. People, just because there’s a lot of food doesn’t mean you should build a mini volcano on your plate each time you go for rounds at the buffet table. Yeah yeah I know la if you pay peanuts you get monkeys but isn’t this a tad bit overboard. Considering the increasing cost of living here in Malaysia, it just baffles me how people can afford all this. Well rezeki orang.
Huurrmm what is another word for rezeki in English? Luck is it ? I don’t think so. Haha maybe its one of the few Malay words that you cant find in English. Ok whateva.
The art of eating buffet
Its easy its all about pace and control. This is of course near impossible when you have loads of food in front of you just begging to be gorged. Which is why its art. If its easy then I can be the Van Gogh of food. The trick is to never take more then one piece of food during your first rounds. Chances are some of the food is crap. So the first round you ll get to know which food is worthy for your soon to be bloated stomach. So always take small portions, its only then you ll get to experience all. The most difficult discipline of this art is water. Its true that you are sooo friggin thirsty after a day of fasting. But if you top up your tummy with fluid then rest assured you wont be able to sample all the food. If all this is too hard for you just follow what a mate of mine did. Eat a Salad huahuahuahua yeah rite…
Revenge of the Sith teaser trailer is out!
Peerrggh its out. Unfortunately only subscribing user will get to see it. Well I did manage to dl a clip of it. Looks cool though it better be after 2 very disappointing episodes. To me the whole trilogy when spiraling down when they killed Darth Maul. He would have been the saving grace of the series. If I was the writer I would have kept him alive and made him the Jedi Assassin. So Georgy boy please don’t disappoint.
Sweet Love of God ! Its here!

Ramadhan Buffet
Speaking about buffet is it just me or all the hotels gone bongkers with the entire buffet price. A really top spread used to be for 40 or 50 bucks but now that’s considered cheap. To experience a really good buffet spread you ll probably have to forking fork out 80 to 100 bucks. Ok on a normal basis that amount of money would have lasted me for maybe a week’s meal. These hotels expect us to spend it for a night which you probably won’t experience entirely due to the tamak syndrome. People, just because there’s a lot of food doesn’t mean you should build a mini volcano on your plate each time you go for rounds at the buffet table. Yeah yeah I know la if you pay peanuts you get monkeys but isn’t this a tad bit overboard. Considering the increasing cost of living here in Malaysia, it just baffles me how people can afford all this. Well rezeki orang.
Huurrmm what is another word for rezeki in English? Luck is it ? I don’t think so. Haha maybe its one of the few Malay words that you cant find in English. Ok whateva.
The art of eating buffet
Its easy its all about pace and control. This is of course near impossible when you have loads of food in front of you just begging to be gorged. Which is why its art. If its easy then I can be the Van Gogh of food. The trick is to never take more then one piece of food during your first rounds. Chances are some of the food is crap. So the first round you ll get to know which food is worthy for your soon to be bloated stomach. So always take small portions, its only then you ll get to experience all. The most difficult discipline of this art is water. Its true that you are sooo friggin thirsty after a day of fasting. But if you top up your tummy with fluid then rest assured you wont be able to sample all the food. If all this is too hard for you just follow what a mate of mine did. Eat a Salad huahuahuahua yeah rite…
Revenge of the Sith teaser trailer is out!
Peerrggh its out. Unfortunately only subscribing user will get to see it. Well I did manage to dl a clip of it. Looks cool though it better be after 2 very disappointing episodes. To me the whole trilogy when spiraling down when they killed Darth Maul. He would have been the saving grace of the series. If I was the writer I would have kept him alive and made him the Jedi Assassin. So Georgy boy please don’t disappoint.
Sweet Love of God ! Its here!

Check this out! My god its finally possible to link your Ipod to your car’s head unit. Alpine is among the first to do this. Alpine of alpine why are you doing this to me??? Before this I heard that only Beemers had the head units that can connect to an ipod. (connecting to the cassette player doesn’t count ok) Dang it used to be that disc changers are cool now forget about it. All you need is a your Ipod. No longer will you have to change your cd every time you get board with it. Regardless of the number of disc capacity in your changer, there comes a time where you will need to change them. With this you won’t need to. Plus it ll save your trunk space. Ok if you own a MPV, space may not be an issue. But if your ride is merely a hatchback like yours truly, you will obviously treasure you trunk space. Last but not least with this, you friggingly have got a cool set of entertainment unit for your car.
So I guess that’s Fridays posting …
Have a nice weekend …Cheers..
So I guess that’s Fridays posting …
Have a nice weekend …Cheers..
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