I wanna I wanna!

Dang just check out the new Ipod Photo. Its official, rumors of the latest Ipod having picture viewing capabilities were confirmed. Check out the Apple website for more info. Having looked at the price (499 USD-599USD) I must say it’s a tad expensive. With more and more mp3 players in the market which are pricing itself cheaper then the Ipod you tend to question the price. But whichever way I see it there is no way that you can compare it to the Ipod. One word sums it up, Cool. The Ipod’s clean and no frills design makes it so appealing that its way beyond the other competitors. I ve always been a fan of Apple’s design and concept. They are never afraid of going against the norm and taking a direction which some might consider bold. Although there are certain elements of their design which are puzzling (the first imac without a disc drive comes to mind) still you can’t help but respect the direction that they take. When nowadays people like to come up with a fancy and so called hi-tech presentation (check out Hp’s I-river yuuckks) Apple’s Ipod remained with its same design. The same design it had from its first generation of Ipod. There are a few evolutions to its design, but it is only partial. Now you gotta hand it to em cause not many can come up with a design which lasts for a few generations (If I’m not mistaken currently it is the 4th generation Ipod). You have to experience it. Go to any Apple store and check it out. The click wheel is really sweet and easy to use. The only that I felt was lacking was the display but with the ipod photo you will notice that they have built a color screen and usually if it’s an Apple you would be quite sure the output would be wicked. Well that makes sense as you would want to view your photo in color.
Honestly for me I was never much of a walkman/discman fan. At a time when everyone was having one I never seem to grasp it. One reason is because the earphones never seem to fit my big ears. God knows why. But nowadays the design is much better to help fit the ears of unfortunate people like me. Plus back then I never really felt the need for it. I had radios and such so WTF do I need a portable music player for? But today it makes more sense for me to have one. For one thing my work requires me to be in front of the pc most of the time. So hearing music discretely without bothering others helps. I know that I do have a pc to play my countless mp3s but you do want to save your hard disc space for better use. Like porn Hahahahah just joking, yeah right. Another reason is exercising, the fact that I m working out to look good for the ‘big day’ also makes me wanna have one of em Ipods. One ways to trim down is to do cardio work outs like running and cross-training all of which I don’t enjoy doing. Simply because its boring. With an ipod I ll get to listen to the music get pumped up and feel like 50 cents on a treadmill. 50 cents ok not the fat D12 dude. Cause spending time on the treadmill can be a challenge itself. You re like a rat and if the tv shows are crap then it ll be harder. Somehow running is just not appealing to me. So I ll probably have to save money for sometime before I can afford the new Ipod Photo. Huurrmm …
Anyway last weekend was interesting. ManU won against Arsenal. Well that’s not such a big deal but the whole fuss after the game was more interesting. Arsenal was as usual whining about the Devils tactic. What do they expect? A walk in the park? After what happened last season an all the talk before the match you cant seriously expect people not to win at all cost. The fact is both teams are the same, dua kali lima. They would do just about anything to win. I think the media also played a part in embroiling the whole game. Making it tenser then it already has been. The British So just accept the results. If Arseanal is not happy then do something about it in Highbury. Nuff said right?
By the way did I mention we finally managed to Buka Puasa together? No ? Maybe later then ….